Bacterial cystitis. Female treatment, medication, symptoms

Uncomplicated UTIs are very common and recur frequently. Cystitis is a common bacterial disease that usually affects women (who are 8 times more likely to develop cystitis than men).

What is bacterial cystitis

Bacterial cystitis is characterized by an inflammatory process of the bladder wall. It responds well to treatment and usually does not require hospitalization.

Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the genitourinary system, most complaints of this problem come from women, but sometimes men experience it as well.

Development reasons

Bacterial cystitis always occurs for one reason - the entry of pathogens into the bladder.

The following factors can trigger the disease:

  • non-compliance with hygiene regulations;
  • the presence of chronic infections;
  • Postponing the installation of a urinary catheter;
  • use of spermicidal contraceptives;
  • changing sexual partners frequently;
  • Atrophic vaginitis in history.

In men, the most common factor in the development of the disease is a sexually transmitted infection. The appearance of cystitis can be influenced by prolonged exposure to cold, frequent stressful situations, and taking certain medications, but all of these factors are thought to be concomitant. By affecting the body's overall immunity, they increase the likelihood that pathogenic microorganisms will multiply.

Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the bladder through ascending, lymphatic and hematogenous routes. A necessary condition for the development of the disease is the invasion of bacteria into the bladder wall.


Bacterial cystitis begins in the acute phase in patients of any gender.

It can be identified by several specific characteristics:

  • The urge to go to the toilet frequently;
  • soreness, burning, and discomfort when urinating;
  • a small amount of blood in the urine;
  • Supposed to go to the toilet, the amount of urine excreted decreases.

In addition to specific symptoms, patients may experience the following symptoms of cystitis:

  • pain during and after sex;
  • Perineal and pelvic discomfort;
  • increased body temperature;
  • Lower back pain.

Progressive disease can cause cloudy urine and a characteristic odor. Urinary incontinence can also occur when you sneeze or cough. The features of chronic cystitis are the same as the symptoms of acute cystitis, but they become less pronounced and intense.

Distinguishing features compared to other forms

Cystitis is a disease with many forms and manifestations. The most common infectious bacterial, fungal and viral cystitis. In some cases, the disease is caused by a "falling" kidney infection.

In addition to those listed, there is a large group of noninfectious cystitis. They can develop due to abiotic mucosal damage.

Cystitis includes the following:

  • Traumatic or cystitis of a foreign body. It develops with prolonged use of a urinary catheter, causing tissue damage.
  • Interstitial or autoimmune.A chronic form of the disease that is difficult to diagnose and treat because experts have not yet determined the exact cause of development. Mostly, this form of cystitis can be identified by severe pain when filling the bladder and a very frequent urge to urinate - in some cases, they can be as many as 100 times a day.
  • Rays.Occurs in cancer patients receiving radiation therapy. Irradiation adversely affects the bladder mucosa, causing pain, frequent urination, and hematuria.
  • allergy.It is a reaction to allergens that enter the body.
  • chemical toxicityThis disorder can occur when using spermicidal gels, sanitation sprays, or chlorine that gets into the urethra during a visit to a swimming pool.


Cystitis can only be diagnosed with the help of a laboratory urine test, even when specific symptoms are present. With the analysis, you can determine if there is protein, an excessive percentage of white blood cells, and hematuria (the presence or absence of red blood cells). In addition, by performing bacterial cultures, doctors can identify the causative agent of the disease and choose the most effective drug.

Doctor diagnoses woman with bacterial cystitis

In men, the prostate is additionally examined and tested to rule out many genital infections that may be hidden and asymptomatic. Women need to be examined by a gynecologist and have a smear to assess the microbiome.

Treatment of bacterial cystitis

Bacterial cystitis requires medical treatment with antibiotics. The doctor chooses the appropriate means after studying the laboratory test results. Chronic phase disease requires 7-10 days of treatment. In many cases, a comprehensive approach to treating cystitis is effective.

Cause treatment

Since the cause of the inflammatory process of the bladder is usually an infection, the patient is prescribed antibiotics in most cases. The most common causative agent of cystitis is Escherichia coli, a uropathogenic microorganism detected in 75-90% of cases.

In 5-10% of patients, the disease is caused by Staphylococcus saprophyticus, less commonly other Enterobacteriaceae.

Pathogen treatment

Antibacterial treatment for women can clear bacteria in the bladder but not in the gut. They land on the perineal surface again, enter the urethra, and then into the bladder. The bladder membrane, which is designed to protect it from bacterial penetration, is destroyed during cystitis, leading to a high likelihood of disease recurrence.

In world practice, the treatment of chronic cystitis by introducing sodium hyaluronate into the bladder is common. There are oral medications, but a combination of them is more common.

This class of drugs allows:

  • Protects the bladder wall from bacterial invasion;
  • Repair damaged mucosal protective layer;
  • Protects the urothelium from toxic components in urine;
  • Significantly reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes occurring in the bladder.

This technique is effective in cases of relapse, resistance to antimicrobials, and lack of results from other types of treatment. Another advantage of it is the reduced likelihood of recurrence and the ability to get rid of cystitis long-term, even in advanced cases.

Symptomatic treatment to reduce disease manifestations

Bacterial cystitis in women can cause discomfort and pain, which can be very serious. Symptomatic treatment can address this problem, with the main goal of relieving the patient's general condition.

In most cases, doctors will prescribe NSAIDs and recommend abstaining from tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages. To relieve pain, you can take a hot bath and use a heating pad. During the treatment of cystitis, it is important to drink enough water.

Drugs to treat bacterial cystitis in women

Treatment of cystitis in women includes oral medications. To cope with the disease in a short period of time, a comprehensive approach can be employed, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.


The basis for the treatment of cystitis is the use of drugs that selectively inhibit or destroy the pathogen. To treat the inflammatory processes that take place in the urogenital system of the body, uremic drugs are used, which are excreted through the kidneys to provide effective concentrations of the drug in the area of inflammation.

antibiotic describe
Phosphonic acid derivatives Water-soluble powder with a citrus aroma. This drug is considered one of the most commonly used antibiotics to treat cystitis. The effect is about 2 hours, and it is completely excreted after 2 days.
Semisynthetic antibiotics from the second generation of macrolides White tablet. It is indicated for patients who experience cystitis due to a sexual infection.
Second generation fluoroquinolone antibiotics Orange tablet. 1 tablet is enough for 12 hours, the drug is completely excreted in 1 day.
First generation quinolone antibiotics Affects many viruses. Supplied in the form of hard capsules, the active substance is nalidixic acid.
First generation quinolone antibiotics Supplied in capsule form, the active substance is pipecolic acid. Start working within the first 1. 5 hours after ingestion. Up to 85% of the active substance is excreted within 1 day.
Third-generation cephalosporin semi-synthetic antibiotics Orange pills with a berry scent. The effect of the drug is to inhibit the synthesis of pathological microorganisms.


For cystitis, doctors usually prescribe NSAIDs in the form of tablets or rectal suppositories.

Patients with recurrent disease are often prescribed such drugs. The same method is used in cases where antibiotics cannot be used for some reason. As a complex treatment, specialists can prescribe antispasmodic drugs to stop painful spasms of the bladder wall.

During the acute phase of the disease, the bladder contracts, preventing normal emptying. Muscle relaxation solves this problem and has an analgesic effect, improves blood circulation and restores normal function of the organs.

It is important to consider that antispasmodics affect blood flow throughout the body and the function of internal organs, so they cannot be used to treat hematopoiesis, renal and hepatic failure, acute gastrointestinal illnesses, and several other health problems. Therefore, their intake and dosage must be agreed with a doctor.


Diuretics are used to restore normal urination, which is an important factor in the treatment of cystitis. The most economical are herbal diuretics or herbal remedies for adjunctive treatment.


  • A paste formulation consisting of herbs and essential extracts. A small amount of this medication is diluted with water and taken by mouth.
  • Plant-based tablet or solution containing centaur, lovage root and rosemary leaf. It has a diuretic and antibacterial effect on the body.
  • Herbal Collection. The ingredients of this herb include herbs that stimulate urine production and have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and relaxing properties. As part of the cost, you can find oak bark, St. John's wort, chamomile, and flax. This therapy is effective against all forms of cystitis, even in advanced cases.

drinking patterns

Drinking plenty of fluids can reduce urine concentration and irritation to the inflamed bladder wall, as well as increase the urge to urinate and speed up the removal of pathogenic bacteria. Depending on the patient's weight, doctors recommend drinking at least 2-3 liters of water per day. For cystitis, bed rest is necessary to speed up the process of treatment and recovery.


The bacterial form of cystitis is great for prevention, you can both avoid the disease and protect yourself from a possible recurrence after treatment.

Most experts recommend taking precautions:

  • health. Wash at least 1 time a day, the direction should be from front to back. Thus, the passage of pathogens from the anus into the vaginal and urethral area (this is the mechanism that most often leads to the development of cystitis in women) can be avoided.
  • Drink enough fluids.
  • Use barrier contraceptives.
  • Prevent hypothermia and wearing wet swimsuits for extended periods of time.
  • Reject synthetic underwear and replace it with underwear made from natural fabrics.

Women are also advised to urinate after each sexual intercourse to remove bacteria that may have entered the urethra. Empty bladder regularly is also important, as stagnant urine is a favorable environment for pathogens to multiply.

If symptoms return within 14 days of completing treatment, a bacterial culture in urine is required. Treatment failure may be due to low susceptibility of microorganisms to the selected drug.

Possible complications and chronicity of the disease

Untreated cystitis can develop into a chronic form that is more difficult to get rid of and more expensive to treat. You can avoid this consequence if you seek help from a specialist at the first signs of the disease. A fairly common complication is vesicoureteral reflux. It occurs when urine enters the ureter from the bladder, i. e. in the opposite direction.

This process, if not given due attention, can lead to uterine inflammation, peritonitis, or inflammation of the peritoneum. Inflammatory processes in the bladder wall can sometimes lead to abscesses and scarring, resulting in a reduction in the amount of urine it can hold. In this case, the patient faces frequent and painful urination.

In men, prolonged cystitis can lead to leakage of urine into the prostate, inflammatory processes in the prostate, and epididymitis. Women may experience reproductive problems. Acute cystitis is bacterial and can lead to miscarriage in pregnant women. Therefore, in most cases about a week of treatment is required and cannot be delayed.